My Story
Families are like Quilts…..lives pieced together, stitched with smiles and tears, colored with memories and bound with love.
Hey y’all! My name is Emily Kate, not Martha Jane. Martha and Jane were my grandmothers. Jane is the one that taught me how to sew (along with many other things: strong faith, Bible study, cooking, gardening, canning & preserving, the list goes on!). My first quilt ever was a hand-stitched patchwork quilt for my American Girl doll, Kirsten, from my grandmother’s scraps.
I have lived my entire life in rural southern Middle Tennessee. I grew up on a farm and I have a great love for small towns and family farms. I have an Agriculture degree, and although I no longer work in that profession, it will always be close to my heart. I did go back to school and got my nursing degree, and spent 5 years as a surgery nurse and now work full time as a school nurse at a K-12 unit school.
I am married to my wonderful husband and have been blessed with the sweetest boy! We are blessed to live on our own farm, in the same county where we both grew up. It is still a work-in progress, but we are so thankful that we get to raise our son in the environment we had growing up! I am an old soul, and I hope to pass that along to him.
When I am not quilting, you will find me outside. I love flowers, and raising a big garden every summer, where I still preserve and put-up our harvest for winter months. I spoil my chickens and enjoy riding horses as well. We plan to get cattle again soon. I used to raise bottle calves and had a few momma cows, but I sold them all to pay for nursing school. Family is everything to me, and I love spending time with them.
I just want to welcome you and to say thank you for visiting! I hope that by being here, you too can be inspired to embrace your heritage and create your own heirlooms!